Age 27

Where are you based at the moment (who do you work for)?

Mace – Johannesburg

In what year did you complete your honours degree?


What path did you follow before ending up with your current company?

Worked for a medium sized contractor, Techni Construction, in Port Elizabeth. Spent as much time on site as a student, gaining as much experience as possible

What is your current position and what does the role entail?

Project Manager / Project Control Manager  - overall running of projects. However, I’ve delved into more of the Project Control role which looks at specifying governance for projects / programmes and ensuring compliance to the governance procedures in place.

BIM Lead for SSA – I’ve been driving BIM for Project Management for Mace since 2017

What advice would you give a current construction management student?

Gain as much experience as possible and always look at what’s in front of you with a critical eye. Seeing what could possibly be done better to improve the current situation. Mace has a mission of Pursue a Better Way. If we all have that attitude, the construction industry can only benefit. However, do not come across as arrogant – be willing to learn from the experience team members around you.

What was your favourite module?

Construction Management – being given scenarios to allow you to think critically.

Who was your favourite lecturer?

Prof. John Smallwood – the practical examples always stuck in my head.

What are your plans for the next 5 to 10 years?

I am currently exploring moving over to the UK to gain some international experience. I will provide an update once confirmed. I’m interest in the digital aspects of construction and how digital technology can be incorporated into the industry, including, but not limited to BIM.