Welcome from the Head of Department

Construction management is a holistic built environment discipline in that the related tertiary education addresses three main streams, namely management, economics, and science and technology. This empowers construction management graduates to manage the business of construction and projects (the physical process) as construction managers.

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What is Construction Management?

Construction management is the management of the business of construction and projects (the physical process). It involves the co-ordination, administration, and management of work and resources including people. The Construction Manager is the one point of responsibility in this regard. 

Construction Project Management is the management of projects within the built environment from conception to completion, including management of related professional services. The Construction Project Manager is the one point of responsibility in this regard. 

Qualifications offered

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Contact Us
Miss Vuyokazi Mbekela
Departmental Administrator
Tel: 27 41 504 2790

Mr Christopher Allen
Head of Department
Tel: 27 41 504 2155